Nourish Your Wellness As You Step Into Spring


Guess what! The snow is melting, the sun is coming out, and if you squint just a little, you’ll see that the flowers are finally starting to bloom. That’s right, springtime is almost here!


If you’re someone who got just a little bit of the January blues (or maybe even a lot), then this season may be just the thing your mind and body need to bounce back after a long winter.

And if you’re not sure where to start, then pat yourself on the back because you’re in the perfect place. In this blog, we’ve collected some of the best wellness habits you need to bounce out of your blues and into the sunshine of the spring.


Start A New Workout Routine

After being stuck inside for so long, one of the best ways to pull yourself out of the winter routine is by starting a new workout routine! While you could opt for a new gym or yoga membership, why not try something that puts you right under that shining sun?

Adding in a morning run, joining a cycling group, or even taking a good swim in the afternoon are great ways to get fresh air into your lungs as you get your body moving.


Add Health Supplements To Your Diet

 So much of our wellness (aka how we feel mentally, physically, and emotionally) is determined by the things we’re putting into our bodies. And while we’ll never suggest you go on any crazy diets, we do have one product we’d love to suggest you add to yours!
 Created by Moon Juice, our client and a beauty industry leader, this Super You supplement is a multi-adaptogen that packs Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Shatavari, and Amla into one pill that helps you alleviate the emotional, mental, hormonal, and physical manifestations of stress.

By adding it to your diet, it may be just the thing to help you on your path to wellness.


Find A New Hobby

Another great way to embrace the sunny feelings of spring is by finding a new hobby! As business owners, it's so easy to get lost in our work that we forget to enjoy ourselves outside of it. So as the world emerges from their winter cocoon, this is a wonderful time to learn more about yourself.

Whether a new sport, game, or activity, ask yourself about something you’ve always wanted to try, and then log off for the day to go try it! Honoring your interests and learning more about yourself will be a great way to boost the levels of your wellness.


Treat Your Skin

While the above tips are all about helping you nourish your wellness when it comes to your mental and physical state, our last tip is all about your emotions. Not with others but with yourself! To feel truly well, you have to be comfortable in your own skin, and as we transition out of those harsh winter winds, it's important to give your skin the love it needs to soak up the incoming warm weather.

One of the best ways to do this? With Moon Juice’s Cosmic Cream. This dewy moisturizer uses Emollient Fatty Acids to seal in moisture and help improve your skin’s natural barrier function. In human terms, it leaves it feeling moisturized and luxurious!


Get Ready For Spring!

Transitioning from the winter blues to the sunny spring can be a jarring time for our minds and bodies. But if you use these tips to adapt, we’re sure you’ll experience a refreshing and reinvigorating energy boost to all levels of your wellness.