Spring is around the corner, and (thankfully) the busyness of the holiday season and the new year kick-off has finally died down.
However, like many people, you may be looking toward finally giving your home and space the hard reset it needs. After all, there are the decorations you may have pulled out from the attic. The winter clothes that are filling up your closet. All the holiday greeting cards you received are still sitting on the counter. And let’s not forget Christmas itself. With presents for you and the family that surely did their job filling up the space, you may feel just a bit overcrowded in your home right now.
But with Spring coming up, we think it’s the perfect time to declutter. Don’t you agree? Read on to learn 5 tips on how to declutter and get a fresh start for Spring.
What Needs to Go?
Before you start chucking things out the door, take a moment to assess everything. What areas of your house have become an eyesore because of its jam-packed items? What are some things that you know you have too much of? Chances are, you already have a mental list of what needs to go or what you’re ready to give up, so get it down on paper and get those things packed up and out of the house first.
Do the 12-12-12 Challenge.
Ready to kick this decluttering task into overdrive? One of the funnest ways you can do that is with the 12-12-12 challenge. With this challenge, you’ll want to find 12 items in the house that you need to throw away, 12 you want to donate, and 12 things that have been moved out of place in the home and need to be put back.
This challenge is fun and effective, especially when the whole family joins in. So give everyone this task when it comes to their rooms in a specific area of the house, turn on some tunes, and declutter away!
Deploy the 90/90 Rule.
Having a hard time letting go of things? It may be your favorite sweater, a first toy, or something a friend gave you. We all have those things that make us think twice about giving up. So if you’ve started on the 12-12-12 challenge or just making your way through the house and something has you doing a nervous jig, consider the 90/90 rule to make your decision. Have you used the item in the last 90 days, or will you use it in the 90 days to come? You only need one yes to know your answer!
Make It a Routine.
Once the house starts to look like itself again, and you’re feeling the refreshing perks of a nice spring cleaning (and decluttering), you want to make sure you keep it that way. What’s the fun of decluttering if you’re going to backslide in a week –which we all know can happen if the kids are running around. So to help keep things as they are, set up a time throughout your day specifically for decluttering. As we work, play, and eat, it’s easy for things to come back out of their spots, but if you have dedicated time to declutter every night, all your hard decluttering work won’t be in vain.
Pack It Away!
Our last and final tip when it comes to decluttering is to acknowledge when you have no more stuff to declutter! No matter the clarity, or the games, sometimes (especially with a family), you have a lot of stuff that isn’t ready to go away yet. And we don’t think that means you have to make a hard decision forcibly. Instead, if you have the space, stock up on some storage bins, pack up what you’re not ready to give away but don’t necessarily need in sight right now, then store it away!
Start With a Spring in Your Step.
Decluttering can feel like a time-consuming task, but as you’re doing it, remember that after it’s done, it will make a world of difference for you. And to prove it to yourself, have some fun by taking a before and after picture before you get started. Then, you’ll be able to see all the work you did, which will surely give you an accomplished feeling.
A decluttered space can make your mind and body clearer, give them more energy to conquer your tasks, and even have a little fun.
Happy Spring!